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Training and Development

Fostering Benefits

We will provide you with a wide range of bespoke training opportunities to support and develop you as a foster carer, from your pre-approval period to your first year of fostering and beyond. Whether you are completely new to fostering or an experienced foster carer looking to expand your expertise, our training is here to support you.


Foster Training Options

Overview of training

Depending on whether you’re applying to become a foster carer or an experienced carer, the training you will need to complete varies and may therefore include:

  • Initial Preperation training for new foster carers

  • Ongoing training and development

  • Specialised training for certain types of fostering


Initial Local preperation training

Anyone who decides to become a foster carer will be required to complete a mandatory training course during their assessment based locally in Peterborough, which runs over four sessions, two that that take place in-person during the day and two online in the evening. Here you will get the chance to meet other potential foster carers, hear first-hand from some of our looked after children and learn more about the skills you need to become a foster carer. Alongside this are some further training courses, a mixture of online and face to face training, to be completed both during the assessment stage and following your approval as a foster carer.

All of our training is there to support you in developing your understanding and skill as a foster carer to enable you to provide the best care possible to a child or young person. Many of our bespoke training courses will equip you with the knowledge and sills needed to care for a child or young person with specific care needs.


Ongoing training and development

Online and in-person courses to develop skills

We have a huge training programme which includes both online and face to face training , with a plethora of opportunities for foster carers to improve their professional development.

Some examples of our current training courses include First Aid; Safer Caring for new foster carers; Understanding teenagers; Using Non-verbal Communication to Build Relationships with Children with Additional Needs in Early Years Settings; Introduction to the Principles of PACE; Caring for a child who has witnessed Domestic Abuse; Restorative Practice; Social Pedagogy and many more.

Up-to-date courses

Our fostering service is constantly improving and evolving and, as a direct result, so do our training courses. You will have access to the most up to date training opportunities to help you provide the best possible care for children and young people.


Advanced training for experienced carers

All our training is open to all approved foster carers and any specific training needs will be identified and discussed with your supervising social worker at regular intervals during your fostering career.  

Some examples of our more advanced training include a six day (over six weeks) therapeutic parenting course; Understanding the impact of trauma and neglect on children and young people; Supporting children and young people through bereavement and loss; Advanced Safeguarding; Stress and the brain in children and teenagers; Safer caring for experienced foster carers and many more.  

Specialised training for fostering

Supporting children with disabilities

Any specialist training requirements for supporting the care of children with disabilities will be explored and discussed with your supervising social worker and bespoke training will be arranged as needed.

Managing more complex behaviours

Specific training is available for supporting children with complex needs and behaviours and includes specific training around self-harming behaviour; supporting children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder as well as any other required training around caring for children who may experience challenges in terms of managing complex emotions and feelings etc.


Specialist training from public services

To further support the professional development of our foster carers, we engage with specialist public services, such as the police, fire service, and hospitals across Peterborough who can deliver specific training modules. This may include fire safety work with children or supporting children with mental health difficulties etc.


Training for the whole family

Involving family members in training

When you become a foster carer, you will find that fostering doesn’t only change your life, but it also changes the lives of those within it. If you have children of your own living at home or other family members, it’s important that everyone is prepared. We offer training sessions that involve all members of the household, from your partner to birth or adopted children, to help them understand their role in supporting a foster child and creating a welcoming environment, whilst also feeling supported as individuals.

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